Wellness For Real People Podcast

Hey everyone, this is Aaron and Juwon and you’re listening to Wellness For Real People. This show is for people who are busy, on-the-go, and looking for ways to live their best lives. We interview experts in mindfulness, exercise, diet & sleep, and provide quick, actionable tactics to improve your health & wellness. We’re not perfect, but we’re trying to get a little better each day. Let’s grow together on this journey!

Episode 1 - How To Get (And Stay) Fit

Today, we’re talking about exercise habits and the top ways for you to get fit or stay fit in 2023. Brittney Reese, co-founder of Fit & Nu (fitandnu.com), shares her top habits to adopt, what people get wrong in their fitness journey and what you can do today to achieve your goals. Music - "Lost in Medina" by Amine Maxwell For more visit us at www.khandutea.com.

